It’s Complicated

It’s Complicated

One of the founders of Precision Nutrition – I am certified – Level 1 and Level 2 – (ask me about coaching if you’re interested) shared an image today on Facebook. I can sum up my whole life with this image. I love to learn things and have been through these stages many times.

There are only two times in my life that I felt like I knew everything – (1) when I finished my PhD, and even then it was fully bounded by my area of research, but oh my was I confident, and (2) when I finished my MBA where I literally felt like mighty mouse when in reality I knew a little bit about a dozen important things.

Most of the time, I’m somewhere between it’s starting to make sense and trust me, it’s complicated.

I always trust in my belief that I will eventually understand, be an expert, again, with time, but it’s never as shiny as that singular moment when mastery is bestowed in some way. I can remember thinking that I literally knew everything. I miss those moments. It’s been a long time since I have allowed myself it experience it.

1 Comment on “It’s Complicated

  1. I was fortunate enough also to say that I am an expert and I know everything about a certain aspect of my career but eventually I realized that learning is forever and we cannot keep on saying we know everything when we have stopped studying and learning. We should keep our motivation and desire to be great all the time.