I don’t hike enough

I don’t hike enough
Green Mountain

This is embarrassing. I live in Colorado. It is literally one of the most majestic states in the nation in terms of natural beauty. I log 99% of my miles either on the treadmill in my garage or walking to meetings in downtown Denver. This morning I woke early to meet a friend in Boulder by 7:30 a.m. (about a 45 minute drive from where I live). This was early for me for a Sunday but late for what was to be a very hot day, and hiking near Boulder.

We did a quick loop at/on/up Green Mountain. I think I last hiked that route with this same friend and his wife back in 2012 or so in snow. We climbed about 2,220 feet before descending. About 0.3 miles in, all I could think was “we’re still climbing….all I see is up.” This was true for the next hour or so. My friend was patient with my frequent breaks for water and to get my breathing back to my hot yoga happy place of 6 counts in and out through the nose.

Data point: I don’t climb enough hills. My max heart rate on this journey was 186 while we were climbing. If I’m running sprint intervals on the treadmill I might hit 180ish these days. I’d thought my max heart rate had decreased with age. Apparently not. I just typically don’t work hard enough to spike it much over 180.

Green Mountain, Colorado

Pretty hike, pretty day. We took a brief break at the top to admire the view. You can see 24 distinct Colorado peaks from the summit. I don’t think I captured them all.

Views from the top. I need to make time for more of this.

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