Excuse the construction

Today was going to be a Day 4 Sydney post, but instead, I did some wordpress updating (theme, CORE) and completely broke my site – fatal error – could not display. There was no mechanism to roll back, just to forge ahead. Side note, previously I was using a pretty standard wordpress theme. Nothing really special, I’d been using it for years without issue. It’s still updated frequently.

fatal error text

I have a temporary theme going that seems to allow the content to display. Apologies for how ugly it is at the moment. I might need to be back in the USA, on my home network, with a big screen to get it all fixed. I don’t really want to invest too much time with this theme, as I’m not sure it’s a keeper.

My other site icarus-rising.com is hosted with a different vendor, but otherwise had the same theme, plugins, etc. The only difference is one web host supports more modern PHP and/or SQL databases. So far that site is still working.

Day 10, #BlogPals19