Excellence Pursuer, Prevail Forever

In 2010, I toured China, and saw signs on the highway that stated Excellence Pursuer, Prevail Forever.

Excellence Pursuer Prevail Forever

I wrote then about my concern about America’s loss of dominance, of a pursuit for excellence; our new everyone was a winner culture. I noted that “I find myself wondering how we as a nation will remain competitive in the future.”

Today, I read an article from Axios that reminded me of my concern:  “China is the greatest, growing threat to America.” I get several of their daily newsletters – they are brief, timely, relevant (and free!). Subscribe (not an affiliate link).

Let me sum up “China has outlined strategies for 2018, 2025 and 2050 all designed to displace the United States as the dominant global economic and national security superpower.” It’s a short read – 484 words – that sums up all the visceral fears I could not articulate clearly in 2010, backed by data. For example – China controlled 4% of the global economy in 2000, and the U.S. controlled 31%. Today, China has 15% and we have 24%. 

Read more.