Do I need Netflix again?

I cancelled Netflix years ago back when they un-bundled the DVD shipping and online streaming into separate packages. I felt I had enough access to interesting things to see via Amazon Prime, network stations that stream their shows a week late, and my old school HD TV antenna.

But at my hot yoga studio, Tula Hot Yoga Denver, I keep hearing people talk about new BIkram documentary – Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator – as a must see.

Side note, almost all of the “hot yoga studios” I’ve been to over the years were not formal Bikram studios, they all added a posture or three to the formal 26 posture sequence to be able to call it “hot yoga” or “hot flow” or some such.

So I’ve been reading reviews of this new documentary, and most suggest it’s worth watching.

Is it time to resubscribe to Netflix? Have you seen the documentary? Is it must see?

Day 24, #BlogPals19